Saitek PS41 Aviator Joystick for use with PC or Xbox 360 Game Console

Product Description


Customer Buzz
I received this controller from a competitors website due to the fact at the time, strangely enough this same controller was mis-priced on Amazon for nearly 120.00 for the Xbox 360 console version (non PS3). The price listed now is accurate (around 50 bucks) - and I would have surely bought from Amazon - this site is great.

All I can say is, whooooooahhh. Plug this baby in the Xbox 360 usb port and you are ready for intense battles. Sooooooo much fun. I got Ace Combat 6 - Blazing A's 2 - and Hawx just so I could experience the joystick (bought the games from Amazon :-P). The light weight that others may mention are about the only shortcumming I can think of, but they DON"T (emphasis on DON"T) affect gameplay at all. This cool joystick sits right on your lap if you like, works for both lefties and righties - and sits amazingly stable on a flat table. The control is accurate, fantastic, ergonomic and non-flawed. Changing views to a first person in the cockpit, and using this stick is absolutely thrilling. Don't hesitate to buy this device. The next gen flight games are crazy - but they get placed on a whole new interactive level with this stick.

Not a gimmick, you simply have better control of the planes and weapons with this stick - straight up balls to the walls blast :)

Customer Buzz
I received this flight stick from this Amazon seller a couple days ago, but didn't try it out until last night. Yes, this stick is very light, but it's solidly built. There's a switch on the right side that you have to turn to M1 if you want to use it with Ace Combat 6 or H.A.W.X. I have both games, but only tried it out on AC6.

First off, the learning curve or getting used to using a flight stick as opposed to a game pad, can be a trying experience. What I found disturbing about this flight stick is the trottle controller. Althought the trust control is very smooth, it's placement in front of the flight stick leaves much to be desired. After 5 minutes of play, the palm of my hand, near the thumb, hurt really bad. Even right now as I type this review, more than 14 hours later, it's still sore. The designers could have easily placed this trottle to the left of the stick, or even as a switch at the base of the stick (I had a flight stick that was like this). I understand they probably wanted to have the PS41 as abidextrious as possible, but considering the Hori Ace Combat 6 is for righties only, the same could have been made for Saitek.

If it wasn't for the akwardness of the throttle control, I would rate this flight stick higher. I can't in good faith give this stick a higher score when the base of my thumb is sore after only 5 minutes of use. The actual stick is quite good. Nice response and has the twist feature for the rutter controls. I'm not sure what that cover over the X button is for, because on every flight game I have played, the X button is for the map. I don't need this covered. I guess they' were trying to go for realism of an actual jet aircraft's controller, in which this would cover the missiles? Dud.

When I bought this stick, it was something like $49 and change plus $8 shipping. A few days later, I see this seller charging $119.95 plus $30 shipping. What the hell is going on, man?! That's insane. Not only is this stick not worth $120, but shipping is no where near $30. As of today, the seller is out of stock.

Customer Buzz
I prefer having a separate controller and thrust unit but I don't have a table and chair setup; just a couch; so I needed something I could hold in my lap. For Hawx, this stick works out really well except for the occassional reach back to drop a flare. Left hand on the thrust, right hand on the controller and you have 99% of what you need including rudder control (stick twist). This is a good responsive controller that makes the game a lot more fun than the regular controller!

I am happy with my purchase and I would definately buy it again. But I'd rather pay [...] bucks more and have a better designed controller.

Overall this is a three star controller (meaning good, not great), but the low price and lack of options on the market force me to give it 4. Hope this helps!

Here are a few general design complaints: 1) The buttons on the back accidently get pushed from time to time if you have the controller on your lap. 2) The missle button is in the middle with no way to remap to the left button. I suspect they did this for left handers but I think they could have used black unlabeled buttons, made the left button the missle button and added a manual switch to reverse the missile button from the left to the right. 3) The flap over the button is kind of stupid.

>> P.S. I paid $49.99, beware of price gouging by third party vendors.

Customer Buzz
Be careful...the price gougers are busy here. This item is said to have a MSRP from MadCatz who licensed the Saitek product for manufacturing also under license by Microsoft for the Xbox 3690 (and likely same deal with PS3) which is 49.95 right now. I do not know why some companies might try and get away with this but It is unethical to more than double a MSRP that was agreed upon and declared by 3 different companies involved even to do what seems to be take advantage of people. Amazon is awesome but I can only guess there was some miscommunication here regarding proces or somthing to that effect. It is an awesome prodct as all Saitek flight stick sets are. i also understand that both the XB360 and the PS3 versions are PC compatible as well. Of course, I have my Logitech Force Feedback awesome controller for that, however, which provides as real a resistance as you can get from a controller due to the power outlet rumble and force feel source. It is nice to feel the resistances change when you are taking a lot of G's and different things are happening to the aircraft. Anyway, be careful how much you spend here as the product is MSRP'd at a different price. Good Hunting Viper Pilots!

Customer Buzz
the saitek ps41 aviator joystick is awesome... wow . i have true the ace combat 6 controller but this puts it to shame .. if you really want to enjoy your flight sims games.. this controller is the best period... what not alot of people don't know is that you could use this controller as a controller for halo 3 and your call of duty games this controller is truly awesome.. it literally puts you in the action... i also would have to say the picture does not do the controller any justice . When i received it the look of it is amazing .. a must buy for everyone a must buy . buy it before hawk comes out for the xbox 360.

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About Saitek PS41 Aviator Joystick for use with PC or Xbox 360 Game Console detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #7149 in Consumer Electronics
  • Color: Black
  • Brand: Saitek
  • Model: PS41
  • Platforms: Windows XP, Xbox 360
  • Dimensions: 10.55" h x 7.99" w x 9.02" l, 2.09 pounds


  • Trigger and three buttons on head of stick
  • POV hat switch (d-pad)
  • 8 buttons on base of stick
  • Throttle lever
  • Works with Windows XP XP64 Vista or Xbox 360

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